HTML Errors

Website registry, which shows whether websites are in order or whether the various problems they contain need to be resolved.

Order your own website mass validation

Scanning of all URLs can be ordered through this form below. The prices are given by the chart:

Prices are given as ranges and these depend on the website - there are website whose URLs can be scanned quickly, but there are also those websites that are difficult to scan due to the speed of the server where the those are located or other problems. Prices include daily scanning of all URLs for the subscribed time period.

The URL, i.e domain starting with "http://.." or "https://..".
Check email
Your name
Please the business name
Please the registration number
Please the VAT number
Select country
Select region
Local area?
Postal code?
Street address?

The number of symbols means the total size of the scanned pages. The critical and common error and warning numbers indicate the total number of results obtained from the scanned pages. HTML syntax errors are checked using


Website certificate status. A red mark indicates that the certificate is missing or the PHP code currently in use (functions stream_context_create, stream_socket_client, stream_context_get_params and openssl_x509_parse) could not detect the existence of the certificate.


The green shows that it is "https://"-website and from a "http://" directs to the "https://"-URL. A red mark indicates that the website is "http" or that the code used here could not detect the status as "https". The code checks the existence of the "Location: .." line of the "header" function and, if necessary, the redirect_url function of the "curl_getinfo" function.


A file sitemap.xml found from the URL or not.

Found URLs
Scanned URLs

URLs found at this web address. URLs are searched in sitemap.xml and the main URL. The first shows the total number of URLs found and the second the number of scanned URLs.

Cookies & privacy

Data Protection & Terms of Service.

Report problem

Here you can leave suggestions for improving the page and report any problems you find. Experts in this language are especially expected to correct typos, as the texts have been generated with an automatic translation tool.

Your name?
Check the email?
Write the message.